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Capacity Building in Analytical Tools for Estimating and Comparing Costs and Benefits of Adaptation Projects in Africa (Ogunlade Davidson, Energy and Development Research Centre, University of Capetown, South Africa)

The key objective of this project is to help build and strengthen the institutional capacity within Africa to develop and implement analytical tools for estimating and comparing the costs and benefits of adaptation projects in key economic sectors. The project will build upon an earlier adaptation cost framework to define and develop relevant metrics for estimating and comparing the costs and benefits of some adaptation projects to be developed under AIACC. The project will focus on developing and applying a framework for estimating and comparing adaptation costs in Southern Africa and West Africa. Specific adaptation projects selected will be from the following sectors/impact areas: agriculture, energy supply and demand, fresh water resource supply, freshwater resource quality, flooding of freshwater bodies, and sea-level rise. Results from the study will contribute to the development of international climate change policies and programs, particularly in regard to adaptation activities in developing countries under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Countries and sectors: Southern and West Africa. Various sectors to be selected (see above).